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luck goes against him中文是什么意思

用"luck goes against him"造句"luck goes against him"怎么读"luck goes against him" in a sentence


  • 他手气不佳
  • "luck"中文翻译    n. 1.运气,造化。 2.幸运,侥幸。 3.〔古语〕带 ...
  • "go against"中文翻译    违背,反对;不利于 (The case went aga ...
  • "him"中文翻译    pron. 1.〔he 的宾格〕他。 2.〔口语〕〔用作 ...
  • "now my darling goes to him" 中文翻译 :    现在我亲爱的走向他
  • "judgement was against him" 中文翻译 :    判决对他不利the
  • "the disciplinarian bawled against him" 中文翻译 :    这位训导员对着他大声呼喝
  • "they cautioned him against danger" 中文翻译 :    他们告诫他谨防危险
  • "they charged treason against him" 中文翻译 :    他们控告他犯了叛国罪
  • "get him up against the wall!" 中文翻译 :    拎他起来使他们*在墙上
  • "i have no personal feelings against him" 中文翻译 :    我对他不抱个人恩怨
  • "why don’t you vote against him" 中文翻译 :    我感觉它注定要失败
  • "be in luck" 中文翻译 :    得时; 有运气,幸运; 运气好
  • "for luck" 中文翻译 :    为了表示吉利
  • "in luck" 中文翻译 :    幸运; 运气好
  • "luck" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.运气,造化。 2.幸运,侥幸。 3.〔古语〕带来幸运的东西。 good luck幸运。 Good luck to you! 祝你成功;一路平安。 have bad [hard, ill, tough] luck不幸,倒霉。 Bad luck to you! 你这该死的! The luck is in favour of me. 运气来了,走运了。 The luck turns against me. 运气变坏了,倒霉了。 Just [It is just] my luck. 唉,又是倒霉! He has had the luck to succeed. 他侥幸成功了。 as good luck would have it 幸亏,侥幸。 as ill luck would have it 不幸。 as luck would have it 碰巧;碰得不巧〔意思究竟是幸还是不幸,要根据上下文决定〕。 be down on one's luck 〔口语〕倒霉。 be in luck 交好运。 be in luck's way 走运。 be off one's luck = be out of luck 运气不好。 by (good) luck 侥幸,幸亏。 came to luck 走起运来。 crowd [press, push, stretch] one's luck 〔美俚〕过分依靠自己的好运气;碰到好运后指望侥幸再得到好运。 for luck 祝福,祈求好运。 have no luck 运气不好。 have the luck to 幸而,侥幸。 play in [to] big luck 〔美国〕走运,得意。 play (in, to) hard luck 〔美国〕倒霉,不走运。 ride one's luck 指望运气。 rough luck 倒霉。 the devil's own luck 1. 〔口语〕莫名其妙的好运气。 2. 〔讽刺语〕非常倒霉。 try one's luck 碰运气。 wish sb. all the luck in the world 祝某人一切顺利。 worse luck 不幸,不巧,偏巧。 vi. 侥幸成功,靠运气行事 (into on onto out through). Don't expect to luck through without an effort. 别指望不经过努力就能侥幸成功。
  • "no luck" 中文翻译 :    运气不佳
  • "no such luck" 中文翻译 :    没那份运气
  • "of luck" 中文翻译 :    好运; 幸运
  • "and there it goes" 中文翻译 :    你看,就这样; 时光如斯
  • "goes" 中文翻译 :    地球静止业务环境卫星; 地球同步作业环境卫星; 戈埃斯; 格斯; 胡斯
  • "goes into" 中文翻译 :    此处可根据中文表达的需要,分别译作“写出”、“创作”、“提出”、“创立”
  • "goes on" 中文翻译 :    时间的过去
  • "for him" 中文翻译 :    作不定式的逻辑主语
  • "him" 中文翻译 :    pron. 1.〔he 的宾格〕他。 2.〔口语〕〔用作表语〕= he. 3.〔古语〕〔强势,反身用法〕= himself. That's him. 〔口语〕那正是他。 4.〔用于 than 之后〕= he. Him and his wife were sitting by the fire. 他和他妻子坐在炉火旁边〔现代标准英语须在前面用 He〕。 He sat him by the fire. 他在炉火边上坐下来。 His wife is taller than him. 他妻子比他高。
  • "against" 中文翻译 :     Are you for or against the plan? 那个计划你是赞同呢还是反对? Her age is against her. 她的年龄不行了。 Luck is against him. 他运气不好。 Talk against sb. 说(人)坏话。 Against rule 犯规。 Fight for the weak against the strong 扶弱抑强。 Inform against sb. 告发(某人)。 Set a chair against the wall 把椅子靠在墙上。 Caution against fire. 小心火烛。 Against the famine 防饥荒。 Against the evening sky 以黄昏的天空为背景。 A matter of reason as against emotion 与感情相对立的理智问题。 The park opens five hours a day this year against three hours a day last year. 这公园今年每天开放五小时,而去年每天开放三小时。 Document against Acceptance. 承兑后交单。 The rates against pounds sterling 英镑兑换率。 Against a rainy day 未雨绸缪,以备不时之需。 Against all chances 无望。 Against one's will 无可奈何地,无奈。 Against the stream 逆流;(在逆境中)奋斗。 Against time [the clock] 准时,按时,尽快;加油,使劲儿。 Be against 反对。 Be up against (it) 遇到(经济上的)巨大困难。 Over against (the cinema) 在(电影院)正对面,正对电影院。 Run up against 忽然碰上[碰到]。 〔古、方〕在…之时,在…之前。


  • Luck goes against him .
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